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MUSIC DON - Lyrics for Life - FeeL ThE LyricS

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Reciprocal Linking Strategy

If you want to get serious about driving more traffíc to your website and improving your search engine rankings you need to develop a linking strategy. There are three primary linking strategies:

1. Reciprocal Linking
2. Purchasing text links
3. Employing a link finding service

Three key success factors for a reciprocal linking strategy are:
1. Quality of links should outweigh quantity2. Link partners must relate to your site content3. Partners should link to you from pages listing as few links as possible

Reciprocal Linking Program will require that you manage the following:
1. The name of the site
2. The URL
3. The name and email address of the person who runs the site
4. The date you contact the person who runs the site and the date he or she responds
5. The resulting deal (Some will say yes, some will say no, others will not reply at all, others will want a link back from you, some may want monëy for links, some will be out of town and take weeks to reply, etc.)
6. The status of the deal
7. Verifying that the link is in place
8. Checking the site periodically for the link (Yes, some folks swap links and then pull yours for odd reasons.)

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MUSIC DON - Lyrics for Life -Feel The Lyrics Headline Animator